Thursday, November 04, 2010


Ireson's prayers have blossomed into very thoughtful, heartfelt moments.  He comes up with wonderful and sincere things to discuss during his prayer time.  He talks as though he's simply having a discussion with his heavenly father.  It's precious and a great lesson for us all!  James has told me that I need to take the video camera in there some evening and secretly tape him.  Most nights we look at each other with a look of pride and astonishment with the things he says and other times we have to bite our lips to keep from laughing out loud.  I think God and Jesus are smiling and laughing at some of the things that come out of this kid's mouth. 

For instance, Ireson said the prayer at lunch today after an important and evidently impressionable body part discussion earlier in the day.  He prayed:

"Thank you God for giving me testicles so I can have babies when I get to be a man." After lunch, he then proceeded to chant a little song about his "magnificent testicles".

I, for one, shall now refer to them as "MANificent testicles" as I've been eternally impression-ed by this kid's whit.