Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Potty Mouth

Ireson disappeared yesterday while I was outside with the kids playing and I began wondering where he had gone.  Fortunately, the windows were open and I heard a faint yelling coming from inside the house.  I went inside to investigate as I assumed he had gone to the bathroom.  He was in there yelling, "MOMMMY!  I went potty COME and WIPE MY BUTT!!!!!"  

As I commenced with my motherly duties, Ireson asked me "Am I allowed to say poop while I'm in the bafroom?  That not being crude?"
I told him as long as we need to talk about poop it's okay to talk about it while you're IN the bathroom. 

"So, I can say pees and poop when I'm in the bafroom? That okay too?"
"Yes, Ireson.  If you're not being crude you can discuss those things in the bathroom."

Looking more of a coy boy at this point he asked: "Can I say poopy butt in the bafroom?" he asked.  This comes after his brother got disciplined earlier in the day for yelling at his sister and calling her a poopy butt.  "Yes, you can say it in the bathroom." 

"Can I say penis in the bafroom den too?" he prodded as he smirked at me as though he was concocting an evil plan.

"Is there something you need to tell me about your penis?" I asked.
He replied, "No, I okay" and continued pulling up his pull-up and pants.  "Can you go out and go away now please?" he inquired as he was about to wash his hands.

So I left as he's responsible enough to finish up on his own.  I shut the door and stood there listening to him as he sang a little ditty to a sweet little tune with dramatic inflection and all.  If only the words were so sweet :)      

(Imagine him singing this with his lateral lisp)

"Poopy butt, poopy butt, penis, penis, penis, penis, a Peeeeeeniiiiiisssss!  I poop and pee in the bafroom and that's okay.  I not be crude in the bafrooooooom.  Poopy poooooopy a pooooppy buuuu......hhhhhuuuuuuttttttt.  Penis."  He turned off the water, dried off his hands, opened the door and went on his way.

Boys.  I'm glad he got more than poop out of his system in there.


Sonya Elizabeth said...

That is laugh-out-loud funny!

Beeler Family said...

This is too cute! I remember when Shiloh was little he always talking potty talk and we told him that he could do that as much as he wanted in the bathroom, but nowhere else. Now that he was aware of his empowered self, he, too, went in the bathroom for a really long time and enjoyed a long string of potty words. I have to say that the musical addition is quite talented and you may have, hands down, the most talented potty mouth poop star on the planet!! Fun memories to embarrass them with one day!