Saturday, February 07, 2009

Trick or Treat?

The kids had a great day doing school work Friday. They were enthusiastic, diligent, studious, and James really impressed me with his reading when he was concentrating. Since we were stuck at home all week with Ireson being sick for one day, and me waiting for the rest to get sick too...I was ready to get out and grocery shop! Exciting I know.

So, I decided that I would get the kids a super special treat. I'm talking an all out, nothing like mommy's normal definition of treat, sugar blitzing, blow the kids away, make you sick treat!

On the way to the store I told the kids my plan.
Response: "What kind of treat? A piece of cheese?" (A visit to the deli counter gets kids a free piece of cheese- highlight of the whole outing.) "No", I said, "bigger and better." "A cookie?" "No."

At this point they are at a loss for what I, me, the mother of all nutrition-nazi moms, would give them as a treat. Then I dropped the bomb! "What do you think about a doughnut?!" Insert shrieks, shrills, screams, and shouts of pure elation here- I mean the kind that make your ears hurt and you think someone is hurting them!

Then of course they revert to concerned questions to decipher my honesty on the matter. "Really? Why? Not cheese? Why would you give us a doughnut?"
I told them that I figured that it's close to Valentine's Day and that the store should have the decked out doughnuts and it would be fabulous!!!

So we went to the doughnut area (a place of the store they had never been around before so you can imagine their wide and googley eyes about to pop out of their heads) AND they all picked out their own special doughnut complete with 1000 calories, frosting, sprinkles, preservatives, sugar, processed ingredients, and intestinal distress waiting to happen!

So we got home, unloaded and they all lined up like the traditional, sweet deprived soldiers that they are, and got their doughnut on their plate. The flew over to the table and commenced with the gorging! I kid you not- Ireson had his entire full sized doughnut in his mouth in under 60 seconds. Hands and face caked with white frosting complete with pink and purple sprinkles. There was barely enough room for his jaw to move up and down so he could chew! What was even funnier was him trying to talk to share his gratitude and grins!

Teagan and James were close behind. You could hear all the yums, mmms, and ahhs, and ooohhhhs and expressions of complete and utter satisfaction. Then Teagan, stares me down with the most intent and earnest look and pauses from the gluttony to share this with me: "Mom, I just love this soooo much. I can't tell you how much I love this. It's better than cake with frosting with candy on top of it. It's just so good." You swore she was going to cry from such an intense level of fondness.

Then James pipes up with a rather full and vommitus tone to his voice. "MOM- I don't think this was a good idea! I have a really bad stomach ache. I don't think my stomach is used to this much sugar! YOU (as in me-mom) were NOT responsible."

HA! He was actually trying to make me feel guilty and irresponsible for giving him such a wonderful treat. I of course had to offer to eat it for him. A totally hypocritical moment for me:) I think I enjoyed it almost as much as they did....without the shrieking of course.

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