Saturday, February 14, 2009

3 roses for 3 kids. So what does 6 roses mean? Ahhhhh!

So James got home yesterday and was working on the van trying to get the battery charged, with little luck for the first half hour. I was getting nervous that we would have to fold the entire evening's plans. Lil' James is telling me that I'm not allowed to go out there in the garage because I'm not allowed to "see." Finally, James got the van going and he came in to get ready whilst trying to level the temper fumes brewing in his brain. Meanwhile, we're running almost a 1/2 hour late!
All of a sudden I see Ireson toddling over to me yelling "fowers, fowers, fowers!" He handed me 3 roses. I forgot that I had those coming!
Let me explain...Ever since we started having kids, James gets me a rose for each kid for Valentine's Day. I hadn't gotten flowers from him since we were dating and it was almost 6 years into our marriage before we had our first child. So, getting flowers (even one) can be a big deal if I choose to let it! So when we had Lil' James I got one rose, the next year we had Teagan and I got two roses, and so on. Finally, I'm up to three roses now! Well, the first year when we had Lil' James, my husband so elegantly explained to me that if I ever want to get a dozen roses again then "you know what you have to do."- But not in those exact words..funnier, somewhat cruder...but not appropriate to post:)

I have to re-explain this concept to the kids every year. This year, Teagan figures since there is one "for each of my kids" then she should get to have one for herself. "Back off Chucky," was my only response. Hey- I got flowers and I'm gonna save them and dry them like the rest! I at least let her smell them.

So the next day, Valentine's day morning, we went down stairs and there were 3 more roses on the counter! Wait a minute!!! What does this mean?! Have the rules changed?! Is there something I don't know about?! Even if I included the dog as my 4th kid I'd only be up to 4 roses!
Teagan immediately assumes "it's a miracle. God brought them down here- so now I can have one!" Luckily, I was able to appease her with heart balloons from last night's dinner. James, the logical one, says that "someone must have put them there because they could not have grown there overnight Teagan! Use your head!" Ireson, the repeater, exclaims in a somewhat confused state, "God! Here! One! Night!"
I just figured that the florist was only selling roses by the dozen or half a dozen so James had no choice but to bring home 6. So I ask the kids what they think this means if there are only 3 kids and 6 roses now. Lil' James deduces, very matter-of-fact: "Well Mom, you better start having more kids, 'cause you're getting old."

I'll get to the bottom of this eventually.

Friday, February 13, 2009

A day like today...

Today I made special pink Valentine's Day pancakes (made with cherry juice) and cut them into hearts with a cookie cutter. It was a big hit with the kids and they were thoroughly enjoyed by all...including me and my not usually so creative or caring about V-day self!

Summoned to a mother's mundane duty of the wiping of Teagan's booty: "MOM!!! I'm done! It stinks in here and you're just gonna have to deal!" and after said booty call - "Thanks Mom, I appreciate it." - She's been saying that on and off for some time now and it just never gets old for me. - The appreciation bit- not the butt wiping:) Some of you are probably thinking that it's ridiculous that a 4 1/2 year old can't wipe her own butt. I agree- however, my Tea is short appendage challenged, like her mother, and she simply can't reach. We've tried teaching different techniques to help but it just isn't happening....maybe when she's 12?

Teagan and James had to agree on a short spiritual video to watch today before naps.. This usually poses an interesting, yet often confrontational situation between the 2 of them including bribing, flattery, bartering, and the whole nine yards till they get their own way. So finally Teagan pulled one out and boisterously said: "Mom, this one will be popular with both of us! What do you think James?"

All the kids got their own piece of mail today- a special Valentine's Day card, complete with a $1 dollar bill, from Grandma and Grandpa! Ireson opened his, grabbed the dollar and started yelling: "GOD! GOD! GOD!!!"
Translation: "I have money to take to church to put in the envelope in Sunday School class to give to God! Yahoo!"
James asked me: "Mom, after I give part of this to God, can I take the rest of it to buy something at the store?"
Teagan: "Sure you can James, just rip off God's piece and put it in Mommy's purse for church and then you can take the rest."

I went to load up the van for the evening's festivities and saw that the side "automatic" magic door was left open by the kids yesterday around noon! Needless to say the battery was dead beyond dead. I called James and gave him a heads up.

Devone (sister-in-law) planned a "Sweethearts" dinner for our church at one of our member's restaurant with babysitting provided at her house right around the corner! She's always so thoughtful and creative with planning things for our church. I'm so excited to get all dolled up, go on a date with James with my church family and laugh and hang out and do my hair, and have an alcoholic drink! Sounds immature - I know...but hey! For a girl that only consumes alcohol but once every few months or so-this can be a luxury! I'm talking about something fruity, colorful, high-calorie, with whip cream and a cherry on top...oh and don't forget those cute lil' umbrellas. I'll take those home as souvenirs for the kids. The alcohol is just an added perk. Honestly, after 2 sips- I'm toast. It's that almost 6 years of breastfeeding that have left me with no tolerance.

Normally, Valentine's is not a big deal to us. The reason being that we think that we don't need Hallmark dictating to us when to celebrate our love for each other or the excuse that people have felt "love deprived" all year and Valentine's Day needs to be the day to make up for it.
To James and I- every day is Valentine's Day. That sounds totally cheesy, I realize!!! Rather, we feel such wonderful, complete, blessed love in our marriage on a daily basis that Valentine's Day is just another day of the week. No big whoop. Don't get me wrong though...if the opportunity comes along to do something extra special around this time...then we're game!- I mean, bring on the excuses to have fun and laughter!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Nothing like a sister to encourage I thought.

Sarah, the kids and I all went over to Darryl and Lydia's the other night for some puppy love and family time. Our entire family had received some stressing news that day, and we were all kind of down in the dumps and weary at all the world's workings and these end times that we are experiencing. I was casually discussing some personal stress and concerns about motherhood, work, church, etc. with my sister Sarah.

So Sarah, using her self acquired soft skills, - kindly offered her words of encouragement in a way that only Sarah can pull off:
"Ya know Beck, you are doing the only job that you are supposed to be doing right now and that's being a mother! Your kids are great, they're a joy to be around, everyone loves them and they're so impressed with them (blah, blah, blah)...and you're doing a great job!" Then she points over to Ireson (who is running around rampantly in a circle like a dog chasing his tale and acting like his usually nutty self-amusing self) and she says, "I mean, just look how smart he is!"

Yeah- he must get that from his father.

Permission to pee?

I decided to give all the kids a bath last night. James asked if he could take a bath by himself in my bathtub. This is a special treat for him to get sit and bathe in the "big tub" in deep water. We haven't made a habit of this since a jacuzzi tub takes a lot more water to fill up even if it's for just one teeny, tiny body in there! Usually, I just throw all the kids in their tub and get them in and out in a rotating fashion after they had some play time. He's getting old enough where he needs his own privacy as well. So, I obliged and figured I'd let him play and then do the other 2 kids after him.

Well about 2 minutes after his submersion I hear him yell: "Hey Mom, can I go ahead and pee in your bathtub?!" Gee- I appreciate the thoughtfulness of him actually asking since it's my tub and I forgot to remind him to "go" before he got in!

How do I respond to this?!

Honestly, every kid does this. Every adult has done this at some point or another too! I wasn't sure if I wanted deal with a wet floor and wet toilet seat or just let the kid pee and sit in it. I mean it's sterile, there's so much water that it will just be mostly diluted anyhow, right?!

Sorry for those of you with weak constitutions but...I told him to go ahead but he'll just have to sit in his own pee. To which he responded: "That's okay Mom. It will just make the water warmer anyway." Sheesh...gotta love the logic of kids.

Don't worry people, I drained the water before I put the other kids in...most of it anyway:)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

When I grow up...

Today Teagan and I were having our typical and frequent discussion about who she is going to marry when she grows up. She absolutely knows that THE MOST important thing is that they are a "man of God and a child of God, etc."

She was explaining to me her newly elaborated idea of what this guy should be like..."Okay Mom. Listen. So I know that they have to love God and all that stuff. But I'm thinking that since Darryl is married to Lydia, he (as in her husband) has to be funny and act like a dog when I tell him and go to puppy jail!

And since Grandma is married to Grandpa he (future said husband) has to go to Jamaica a lot and be ornery but not scare me like he did my baby brother! AND since Daddy is married to you already and he can't marry me then he (the doesn't know what's going to hit him future husband!) has to be stinky and give me a beat-down. Okay? Don't you think those are good ideas?"

To the average person Teagan's future husband may sound like an abusive, taunting, scruffy guy with bad hygiene... but I think that sounds just swell.