Wednesday, April 01, 2009

"Vengence is mine," sayeth the 4 year old?

Sarah was over on Monday and I was about to leave to go workout. Sarah, likewise, was headed out the door to go home. Teagan and James decided that they wanted to whine about me leaving and ambushed Sarah and I at the door...about to go close...yet so far....

James kept asking (i.e. whining), "But, WHY do you have to go tonight?! Can't you just go tomorrow?" Whimper, Whimper.

Teagan, chimed in (i.e. higher pitched whining), "Yeah can't you just go tomorrow....I don't want you to go." Snarff, snarff.

Sarah, being the older and wiser sister, thought she should nip this in the bud and tell them very matter-of-factly why I had to go tonight.
"Your Mom has to go tonight. Otherwise, her butt will get big (pause) -er."

I of course just looked at her, busted out a laugh and assumed a retrieval high-five position at my own burned expense.

But- hold the press! Before said high-five could even be delivered, Teagan (the apparent wiser, younger, little sister) said: "Yeah- like you!"

HA! Take that Sister Sarah! I felt such sweet victorious revenge...and it wasn't even of my own accord.

I'm glad Teagan has my back...or butt rather:)

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