Friday, September 11, 2009

The Toothless Troll

An adored book from our childhood is one from the Mole and Troll series. In our favorite book it discussed the many methods that Mole and Troll used to take out a loose tooth. My sister Sarah so graciously read this story to James a couple of weeks ago when we were over there. James has asked for her to read it every time since.

We've been waiting for his stubborn tooth to fall out for over a month! This was his first loose tooth so we've been enjoying discussing using one of the methods that Mole and Troll used such as tying it to a door knob and slamming the door. Grandpa has offered to use a hammer as well.

Considering he didn't get his first baby tooth until he was 12 months old- I'd say it was right on time. The longer they keep them the better is what the professionals say!

His adult tooth has been coming in with a vengeance and pushing up behind the baby one all crooked and far back. So- the other day Daddy decided to take matters into his own hands. This tooth was coming out one way or the other if it took all night.

Lil' James was fine with this option because he couldn't wait for Mommy or Daddy tooth fairy to sneak into his room and give him his special gift. So, Daddy and Little James locked themselves in the kids bathroom for over a half an hour! James put ora-jel on Lil' James' gums and rubbed it for a while. With much nimble a finger and patience, the ingenious husband of mine wrapped floss around the tooth and jiggled it and wriggled it and finally pulled that sucker out! There was a good bit of blood indicating to me that it wasn't quite ready- but oh well...or should I say fair well?

Lil' James proudly approached me with a rather proud grin across his one less toothed face and told me that they "Did it...but can you have Daddy sneak into my room?!" I guess since I didn't have a hand in the matter that my sneaky expertise wasn't needed. He was sort of disappointed that he didn't talk funny. He also tried whistling and that too was the same old same old.

The movie Milo and Otis was the prized reward for accomplishing this rite of passage. James being an animal lover extremist was quite thrilled.

As I wrote this he came in and asked me what I was doing. I told him that I was writing about him losing his tooth. "Oh...well can you write that I took it like a man?" he asked.

With pleasure my dear boy.

1 comment:

Sonya Elizabeth said...

Too cute! Such a big event in a young boy's life and even bigger in his mommy's...sniff sniff.