Friday, October 23, 2009

Favortism - Humph.

The kids and I were goofing around on my bed this afternoon.  Giggling, laughing, tickeling, fun, and snorting was accomplished by all. 

As the festivities calmed down I declared, "Alright, I'm going down stairs.  Who's coming with me?" 

Ireson jumped up and then off the bed onto me and excitedly hollered, "I'm going wiff you!"

My response was of a joyous sort as I laid on the kisses and zuberts: "Oh goodie- I like myself some Ireson!  Do you like your Mama too?!" 

To which he replied:  "Yeah...but I like Daddy the best!"

True story.

1 comment:

Sonya Elizabeth said...

that must be the curse of the mummy: to give all the loving and time but never get to be the favorite. humph is right.