Thursday, January 07, 2010


Today- Ireson pooped on the potty.  After breakfast, he approched me with with a grimace and said in a husky voice, "Mom, my belly hurts and it feels like I maybe have to go poop." 

He's been showing me more signs that he's interested and ready these past couple of weeks.  So this past week we've been discussing alot more about listening to his body and trying to understand what it is his body is trying to tell him. 

So he sat on the potty, requested I get him his Bible to read, and commensed with the process. 

James, Teagan, and I were sitting at the kitchen table doing school work when we heard a loud splash.  Padon the graphic nature of this post...but it's exciting!  We all looked up in amazement, looked at him and started to laugh and scream with joy!  Ireson was giggling and blushing.  I ran in there and gave him a kiss and he looked up at me with his big Eeyore eyes and said, "Can I have my present now?!"

I stocked up on Match-box cars and airplanes for $1 each for this occasion and I've been telling him about them for weeks!  I went and got him one to unwrap and he was elated.  We called Daddy to share the news, and he's told everyone that has called today as well.

We're off to a great yet stinky start!

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