Thursday, May 06, 2010

Life's Science

3 kids, some good friends, 3 binoculars, 1 bucket, 2 bug nets, 3 pairs of kids gardening gloves, some sort of scooping device,  stale bread, a love for nature, and an awesome God- are all the things you need for a home schooling day's expedition at the Nature Preserve.

E is for speckled Egg shell we found along the shore of one of the Ponds.
X is for the eXcellent adventure that was had by all.
P is for the Ponds and Protected animal sanctuary that we explored for a few hours.
E is for the Egret casting it's huge shadow as it flew over us.
D is for the 5 baby Ducks that we fed some stale bread.
I is for Ireson spitting into the water off of the bridge to attract the fish. 
T is for bat Turds we found in the pavilion- namely guano.
I is for Insects- dragon flies, damsel flies and too many other pesky critters that I hope the bats enjoy for dinner.
O is for Opossum foot prints in the mud!
N is for No camera to take pictures of the fantastic day.  Tisk tisk to the Mama for that one.  Oops.

In addition to all that we also saw:

Red Winged Blackbirds, Robins, Black-Capped Chickadees, Gold-Finches, Purple Finches, Blue Birds, King Fishers and various ducks and water fowl that we haven't been able to categorize yet.

Fish galore! Frogs, turtles, and red waterlilies.

Tadpoles- "a bugazillion" Teagan said-to be more precise.  We brought some home to raise ourselves and I have lesson plans for the next month or so to go along with their metamorphosis.

Animal Tracks- deer, racoon, and opossum, and numerous human shoe and foot prints.

Bird Tracks- Blue Heron, Geese, and Egret prints under the water.

Hundreds of snake holes and animal burrows.

God's awesome design in all of it!  What a great day!!!

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