Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Stop the Madness!

So with the onset of summer has come an onset of growth and new adventures.  James got glasses and aged in appearance a good 2-3 years.  He enjoys wearing them as he "can see a whole new world and it really helps with (his) sports." 

Storm has more than doubled in size and is 6 months old and as annoying as a puppy can be.  The kids do a pretty good job with her all in all though it will be nice when she's not so stinkin' needy for attention.

 I am 30 lbs up, and 39 weeks pregnant in the picture and expecting the next installment of testosterone in our family tree and very anxious to get it going already.  Enough said.

Tootherson is 5 1/2 and is pulling out his own stinkin' teeth!  I offered to go get him some gauze to help grip it to pull it out and then 20 seconds later he meets me in his bathroom and show me his toothless, proud grin.  He informs me that he didn't need the "silly gauze" he just pulled it out himself with "my bare hands."  Silly me- I should have known.  This development comes only a week after his Dad had one of those "moments" that make you miss your baby.  Ireson drove home with his Dad and fell asleep in his car one evening.  James carried him inside and laid him on the couch passed out and cuddled him for a minute.  Then it hit him.  The realization that this 45 pound big boy isn't his baby anymore.  It's a good thing that we're having another baby because we can't handle all this growing up and we miss the innocence.
Teagan, almost 8, has become quite the little mother.  After only 10 weeks of gymnastics training she is becoming quite the little acrobat.  She has a natural talent for tumbling.  She can already do a head stand, lengthy hand stand, and a back hand spring with one hand from a spotter, back bend kick over, front tuck on the trampoline, and every kind of splits.  Sheesh.  This is going to be an expensive sport.  I used to love gymnastics and I can't wait to get back into shape so I can prove to her that I can still do a back walk over, pull up, and the splits too!  Gymnastics was my thing and oh yes I can missy I've warned her! 

She's also a huge help and I'm so excited to see how her motherly instincts evolve with the arrival of the baby.  With all the time working with my midwife, she has really developed a base knowledge and passion for home birthing and she thinks she wants to become a midwife!

She informs me that she's "most excited to change the baby's diaper, help burp him, and clean up the house after the stinkin' boys."

Ireson is most excited to "hold his baby brother, not be the baby brother anymore, and smell him."

James is most excited to "get the baby out of his crib and carry him around.  I don't need to change his diaper or smell him." 

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