Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A Dog's Life

The kids have their list of responsibilities/chores that they have to do before breakfast.  Making the bed, getting dressed, clothes on and/or put in the hamper, toys put away, teeth brushed, etc. along with letting the dog out and feeding her is.  It's a basic biblical principle.  The man who does not work, does not eat.  The dog doesn't get fed-you don't get fed.  Okay that second part is from the NBV (New Becky Version) but the principle still stands.

Most of the time Ireson will elicit the help of his brother or sister to help get the dog food.  Yet, this past week, Ireson has been more than happy to volunteer for the task and quite demanding that he feeds the dog all by himself.  I generally don't have to check that she's been fed her adequate amount because they're pretty reliable. He's especially good at taking notice of his furry friend and bestowing upon her an ample amount of hugs and kisses all throughout the day.  It's entirely too sweet. 

I went into the laundry room to put a load of clothes in and saw Lexi's bowl.  I had to chuckle when I saw the complimentary treat that Ireson left for her enjoyment.  Now it makes sense why he's wanted to feed her all week.  When I asked him why he was giving her a treat with breakfast (he usually always asks first before giving her one) he said:  "Because, Wexi just needed some more wove." 
It's the simple things in life-like the complimentary mint on your hotel pillow.

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