Tuesday, March 16, 2010

You Snooze You Schmooze

Today, I put Teagan and Ireson down for a nap.  I started baking some muffins and about an hour later Teagan decided to grace us with her grouchy presence.  I saw her come into my room with a look of consternation on her face.  I asked her why she was out of bed and she proceeded to plead her case.

"Mom, I couldn't sleep!" she retorted.

"Well, did you try to go to sleep?" I asked.

"Yes!  But I smelled something SO wonderful that I couldn't sleep!  If you weren't cooking down there something that smells so good then I could have fallen asleep!  So it's your fault.  See?"

"Really?"  I wasn't sure quite how to respond being that the whole house did smell wonderful and it was rather intoxicating.  I tried telling her "that Ireson was still asleep and it didn't seem to bother him."

"Well, that's because he was tired and it didn't "bother" me Mom, it just made me have to get up and go eat whatever you're making.  So (then she looked at me with eye brows raise, head tilted and a good pause as though to wait for my response and then she paused some more)  What did you make?"

She'd make a good attorney.  Since she couldn't snooze she tried to schmooze.
I guess I learned MY lesson.

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