Thursday, March 04, 2010

Pharaoh-ish ways

Lil' James' 2 top teeth have been very loose for a very long time.  The other night I was finishing up with brushing his teeth and it's like they were begging to be pulled out.  You can practically bend them over sideways.  So we decided to see if we could get them out that night.  Daddy and James sequestered themselves in the bathroom and worked at those teeth for over a half hour.  I was watching from the sidelines and commented that those teeth were stinkin' stubborn! 
"Yeah!  Like Pharaoh!  They're Pharaoh teeth."- he replied.  Naturally, we had to start singing: "Let my tooth go..." to the tune of "Let My People Go."  From this point on he's been asking everyone if they want to see his Pharaoh teeth.

Teagan and siblings were sitting and eating breakfast while I was talking to my Aunt Cindy on the phone one day.  She's a Coronary Care nurse and she was telling me how they had a patient code at work the other day and he died.  We saw Cindy later that day and Teagan relayed her concern to her by saying,
"Cindy!  Mommy said that you killed someone at your work yesterday!"

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