Sunday, March 14, 2010

Failed Test

  I decided to give Lil' James a 1st grade standardized test.  I was torn on whether or not to bother since I think they are wrong at this stage of education.  I did it not so much to see how he was doing, but rather to see how I was doing and if there was something that I needed to work on with him and to make sure he and I were covering all the bases.  I thought it would be nice so he could see how he was progressing and where he is more advanced or lagging.  I didn't do it in the typical logistical and rigid testing way either.  We did a page or so of questions every day over a week.  I also think it's important to learn how to take a test since they will inevitably come across tests such as these throughout their lives: driver's license, college entrance, etc.

  Anyway, one of the reasons I'm an advocate for home schooling is so children aren't "taught the test" and public Ed is heavily based on "teaching to the test" as my many teacher relatives will testify.  I've heard so many complaints and frustrations, from many relatives and friends that are teachers (private, charter, and public), about how they feel trapped because they don't have a choice but to teach the test!  I've gained a different perspective from talking to them.  I feel incredibly blessed to have 6 close friends and relatives who are teachers in the system who are there to help at my beckon call!  I love that they are there for me to ask advice, teaching tactics, and glean from their wisdom.

While I was at a lengthy Dentist appointment recently, I read a Newsweek magazine and the entire thing was dedicated solely to the education system and the "error of its ways."  I read that whole thing cover to cover in the time I was there.  I wish I had asked to take it home.  I felt incredibly vindicated and reassurred in why I we are homes chooling in the first place!  I love it you come across those things that are so blatantly "in your face" reminding you of why you are doing what you're doing.  I couldn't believe how blatantly honest Newsweek was!

Anyhow,  I found it rather ironic that some of the questions in the test completely proved the point of why I think they are primarily pointless and an unneeded, added stressor.  For example, this was straight out of the test:

Directions:  Put the proper punctuation at the end of the following sentence.

I like to run and play outside

A -     .
B -     !
C -     ?

James responded with an excited:  "Oh, I LIKE to run and play outside-so that would have an exclamation point after it!"
Of course the test was simply looking for a period as the proper answer.  I'm assuming that because it doesn't say "love to play outside" is why they were looking for a period.
THEN- Lil' James said, "Well, if I'm saying it then why aren't there quotation marks on the outsides?"

HA!  Exactly!  Take that you dingy test makers!  It was a proud moment.  I didn't tell him that they wanted him to choose period because HE was absolutely right.

Another sample question in the reading comprehension section:

What do you do when you are happy?
A -      Laugh
B -      Cry
C -      Sit

You can probably see where this is headed.  James said, "Well, sometimes you laugh, but sometimes you cry like when you found out that Ireson wasn't going to die in the hospital."  Right you are my boy!  Of course they wanted him to answer laugh.  Oh well.  I love that he's learning to critically think! 

Otherwise, he did great on the test and we found a few things that we needed to review.  All in all, I think the test failed him. 

Now- back to the drawing board....

Ben came over for a visit and James lost his second top tooth the day after losing his first top tooth.

1 comment:

Sonya Elizabeth said...

I love this post. I totally agree with you about public education but had no idea how incompetent the standardized testing are.