Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Multiple Personality Disorder

Ireson has been having a hard time with his behavior of recent.  He's been incredibly stubborn, selfish, strong willed (not necessarily bad) and well sinful.  He's been intentionally provoking his brother and sister until he gets his own way and constantly yelling...just plain nasty I tell you!  He's been spending a lot of time in the corner, his bed or time-out in general.  Anyhow, I was lying down with him in his bed the other day to discuss his behavior and to do some prayer time with him to ask for some much needed help and guidance. 

I said "You're having a really hard time being a child of God lately.  You have a lot of anger on your heart and you're not being very nice.  You're being quite the little Crabberson."
He looks at me behind his scowl and evident anger of being secluded AGAIN and grunts, "NO I NOT A CRABBERSON." 
Then began the back and forth banter: 
"Are you a Stinkerson?"
"No, I not a Stinkerson eeder."

"Are you a Braterson?"
Trying to hide the giggles- "No, I not a Braterson."

"Are you a Maderson?"
"No (pause), well yes, sometimes I a Maderson but no I not a Maderson right now.  (Deep sigh as though to succumb to the defeat)  Mom- I just.  I just- a Boy-son."

Well, I'm glad we got that cleared up.

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