Friday, March 30, 2012

Goodbye Old Friend

During all of the hoopla of pregnancy we had to put our dog of 10 years, Lexi to sleep.  Here is a my former facebook post and some pics.

Watching your children go through true grief and acceptance of pain and sorrow is an amazing spiritual lesson indeed yet incredibly hard for a parent to watch. It's a hard life lesson that I pray will help them appreciate the joy that is to come in the kingdom. They know they're being tested they've said. 
 She's been their best friend and nanny their entire lives and ours for 10 years. She is incredibly smart, well trained and obedient and taught them a lot of responsibility. I've put to sleep 1/2 a dozen pets over my life and I think it's harder when you watch your children have to experience it. It just doesn't get easier and almost doesn't seem worth it....almost.

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