Friday, March 30, 2012

Slacker and Serious Stuff

Apologies my friends and followers.  I have been too busy, too lazy, and too full of excuses to maintain any sort of regular blogging.  I will try to do better.  Since many of you live far and wide and have asked me how things are going prego wise- I'll give you the gist of the past 7 months.

As for an update- I'm 28 weeks pregnant and in the home stretch called the third trimester.  I'm due mid June but I'll be shocked if I make it past the first week or so of June.  By the grace of God this has been the "easiest pregnancy" of them all.  Though that sounds like an oxymoron I am serious!  Yes, I had morning sickness for 12 weeks where I felt like I had the flu each and every day but big whoop by comparison.  I threw up only about a dozen times total this pregnancy as opposed to the hyper-emesis that I had with each of the other pregnancies where I was throwing up 12 times a day for 12 weeks...true enough. Perhaps since it has been 5 years since I was last pregnant, starting out in great shape, or simply being older with older hormones has made this time around so different.  The symphysis pubis disorder that I had mildly with Teagan and severely with Ireson and that is supposed to progressively get worse with each subsequent pregnancy hasn't nearly been as debilitating.   In fact- it's down right manageable.  I've had days where I feel like my hips are on backwards and my tail bone is facing the opposite direction, but that will last a day or two and then I'm back to skipping up the stairs, and moving around as though I wasn't pregnant.  Ireson's big ol' head broke my pubic bone during the third trimester and he was my most difficult labor as well.  So there are still a couple unknowns that remain to be seen. 

All in all though- God has been so good.  I think it's even more exciting this time around since the kids are all so much older.  9, 7.5, and 5!  They are all so in love with me being pregnant again and they're soaking up all the science and facts about fetal development and drawing so many spiritual conclusions on their own.  We've done the 40 days for life prayer marathon during this pregnancy and with all the abortion agendas going around in the news, the kids have really been prayer warriors for pregnant people and unborn life. 

SO- there you have it in a nutshell.  Now- I'm just going to post a bunch of pictures and keep you updated on all the sweet things that Ireson says to my belly everyday and I'll leave you with this:

"Good night baby.  I love you so much.  Sweet dreams while listening to Mommy's heartbeat." - Ireson (Loverson) Ross

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