Friday, March 30, 2012


Ireson, or more appropriately named "Loverson",talks daily to his baby brother in my belly and usually tells him he loves him and something about learning to wrestle sprinkled with other sage advise. Well, yesterday he told baby: "You're going to grow up to be a big boy one day but your head probably won't be as big as mine." Yeah- here's hoping as his siblings constantly remind him that his big head broke my pubic bone when I was pregnant with him. 
Today he told his baby, "and when you get big and learn to wipe your own butt I will check you to make sure you did a good job, but Teagan won't check you because she won't check me if she's being mean." 
And there you have it friends- words of brotherly wisdom from a 5 year old. I will keep you posted on the daily dose of Loversonisms.

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