Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Beef! It's what's for dinner...even in the middle of a snow storm?!

So we have a cow in our freezer. More exactly, 1/3 of a whole, grass fed, hormone/antibiotic free, beefy cow in our freezer. We've bought anywhere from 1/3 to 1/2 for the past 4-5 years now and we love it and it's been- well...a blessing. The meat just can't be beat! I can totally understand the whole "sweet smelling savor to the Lord" thing!

So I guess you could say we're meat snobs because you just can't compare the quality of a fresh cow to what you'd get from the butcher even. So needless to say we grill all year long. You just can't beat a great steak in the middle of winter to curb the cabin fever! My neighbors even call me to ask if we're eating our cow because you can always smell when someone is grilling steak! So James is fine with braving the chill and the storms and the 2 feet of snow to grill himself a big ol' cow rump.

A few weeks ago, he came in from outside after laying out the meat on the grill, he was all giddy and goofy and asked for the camera. He just HAD to document his dinner preparation tactics and the joy he felt from having so an huge amount of meat grace his grill. I wish I could have gotten a pic of him standing in front of the grill all smiles- it was too cute. Any cow butcher would have been proud!

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