Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Selfless arguing...isn't that an oximoron?

We were all sitting down to our normal routine of reading a billion books late morning and Teagan and James started arguing about who would let who go first with their choice of book.
"No, no, Teagan, I'm going to be selfless and let you go first today." "Nuh-uh James, I'm going to let you go first because I love you." "But you're my younger sister and I love you more so you should go first." "But I think you're the biggest, bestest brother in the whole universe, so you can go first."....and so on and so forth. Someone (I forget who) even ended up quoting scripture about "the first being last and the last being first!" Sheesh.
Well this continued on for a few minutes and even became a heated argument! They were actually getting mad at each other for thinking of the other person first. This is not the first time it has happened either. However, Teagan finally caved and went first after James said, "Okay, Teagan listen. Here's the deal. I will let you go first because that is what a gentleman would do and that is what Daddy would do because he's a gentleman. Okay Teagan?"
Big sigh. "James, okay - I will go first if you just stop talking. Okay?"
James- "Okay. Mommy go."- as in start reading before any other arguments erupt!

For Pete's sake!

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